What started out as a priests vision and sister's ministry evolved into 26 people committing to travel and work for a week in the barrios of Chimbote, Peru. Our group set a fundraising goal of $50,000, about $40,000 to cover the trip with about $10,000 to "do" something while we were there. Today as a group we have raised over $64,000!!!!! Pretty good for 6 months of fundraising, and that doesn't include the numerous donated items we will be taking along with us, probably 20 suitcases full!
With the funds we've raised, we will be building TWO houses and delivering 20 beds (with bedding) and 20 stoves. It's an incredible feeling to be apart of all ready and I'm really looking forward to a complete giving to other people.
A lot of people have asked me if I'm "nervous" about the trip. I am a little anxious about being gone from Jordy for 8 days, but nothing about the trip makes me feel nervous or unsafe. I have always wanted to do something like this, and what moved me about this particular mission is there is a specific focus on helping people to help themselves. Visitors are even asked not to give money or gifts; but rather to give of time, prayers, and materials. The donations that are going down are collected by social workers who work directly with their families and assist with fulfilling the needs. The programs are designed and intended to help folks get back on their feet and find vocations and professions they enjoy and will be successful in; and thus improve life for their family. There is a HUGE emphasis on education, from preschool through adult education, parenting education, and more, which was another big draw for me. It just jives with my personal philosophy that we better the world by bettering ourselves, and helping others to reach their own goals.
Why this trip will be good for me, too, is it's all about the unexpected and being flexible. Going somewhere without much of a plan is a challenge in and of itself! Can't even count on the showers or the electricity.... and since my idea of being outdoorsy is drinking on my deck, it should be interesting! I am hoping to blog some updates while we're there through my phone, so stay tuned!
And I would be remiss if I didn't mention that tomorrow we are celebrating 5 Years of Wedded Bliss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely love being married to kindest person I have ever known. Most people say that the first year of marriage is the hardest, but for us, it was this one! Not because it was hard to be married...... that was actually the one nice constant we had in A LOT of craziness. I haven't found a better feeling in the world than having someone who is always 100% on my team. We subscribe to the philosophy that each of us give each other 100% all of the time. Believe it or not, even a baby didn't change that. We of course meet his needs, too, but have continued to promise each other that Jordy is not more important than either of us or our relationship. I read somewhere the greatest gift you can give your children is to love their mom/dad and to give them a strong example of what being a partner in a relationship is. That is something we are committed to doing for him and if we didn't make the conscious decision would've turned out differently.
It's probably easier to explain with an example... I'm not the most flexible person (see above). I like schedules, routines, lists, order, cleanliness and organization! Well living with a basketball coach all of that goes out the window. I think it's important that Jordy and I are apart of what Justin does as much as we can. So, yes, he misses bedtime to go to the games. Yes, we rode on a bus with 20 20yearolds for 15 hours! We are both becoming flexible; because not any one of us is more important the other! And, there are only 2 people that can make this marriage work (well, 3: us and God! but not our kids).
Happy 5 Year Anniversary baby! I love you more each and every day, even when you leave the microwave door open!!!!! When I count my blessings, I count YOU twice!
I'd love to hear your input on living married, too! Any tips, tricks, and advice????
Never be too busy to count your blessings.