Team Wieck added Baby #2 on Jan 2 via a 2 C-section with a 2 year old and 2 years now in Jamestown..........
2 Years Old: The prince of the house turned 2 on January 8th. He continues to amaze us every day with his exploding vocabulary and most recently, exploding tantrums. Thankfully they are infrequent, but maybe that makes them worse when they do happen. We celebrated Jordy in style as he brought cupcakes to daycare and Grandma Karna was still here helping with Anya. Later that week he had a party with both the men's and women's basketball team. Super cute! We had a great time when Grandma Karna & Grandpa Jeff came back to visit while the Jimmies had an out of town game... even though our 2 year old interrupted the weekend with a quick visit to the ER. Somehow while playing he had a dislocated elbow... which I inadvertently popped back in while waiting for the doctor. So, that was an expensive trip for Mommy to do all the work. He capped off the week with a visit to the Walk In Clinic for a double ear infection and croup. Jordy is bound and determined I guess that little sis will not steal the show! It has been a challenge that for some reason at nighttime he will have NOTHING to do with Daddy. It is MOMMY only. That includes when little visitor pops into our room at 3:00 AM. We tried to Super Nanny-style him back to his bed but honestly, although I think Team Parents are pretty good at saying NO, when Justin took him he screamed and cried the most pitiful cry for Mommy and I was in so much pain after the C section I wasn't able to get out of bed... So, he's ended up with us more often that not. 4 people in a queen size is pretty cozy! This too shall pass, right?
2 Weeks Long: Ahhh, how long Jordy's daycare was closed this February. Stay at Home Moms, I salute you!!!! Although --naturally-- during basketball season I am alone with the 2 kiddos quite a bit and often overnight, it was interesting having them both by myself 24/7! Some days I fantasized about that dislocated elbow.... where he just laid around.... Needless to say, the tantrums were up a notch, and with the weather being well below zero we had to get pretty creative. Anya cried A LOT during the day-- I think from overstimulated and lots of "snuggling." I have to admit I was looking forward to spending some time with my Boy, and feeling a little cocky with my teacher trained schedule with snacks planned and all my Pinterest inspired activities... but Day 1 it ALL hit the fan when Grandma and Grandpa left. Apparently Mommy could not provide the attention and entertainment and feeding and holding Anya became Jordy's arch nemesis. Although a rocky start, we finally settled in to our new normal, and Anya spent A LOT of time in the swing. Thankfully, week 2 Grandma Denise was to the rescue! Just an extra pair of hands to rock Anya to sleep or take Jordy to the potty was a godsend! Even taking the kids to the Jimmies game was 1,000 times easier with my mom here. Thanks, Mom!
2 Months Old: Ahhh sweet baby girl who actually likes the swing. Moms of baby girls, you have been holding out on me. She is the snuggliest little baby who barely fusses, likes to be worn in the baby carrier (which leaves me hands free for Toddler Tornado) AND likes her swing! She took her 2 month old shots like a champ! We are 15th percentile weight and 85th percentile height. She is smiling and cooing and while she often gets the shaft in terms of photographs, tummy time, reading time, and parent time when brother is around, she is happy healthy and growing. She gets up only 1-2 times per night to eat and go back to sleep. Now that I'm up moving around we aren't feeding in bed so she is in her rock and play and soon to move to crib. Such a big girl!
2nd C-Section: Anya was a planned repeat C section, so those that know my birth story with Jordy can understand my amazement that we checked in at 5:00 AM, went into surgery at 7:45 AM and she was born at 7:52 AM :) ... but in most ways it has been a more difficult recovery. Obviously, I'm older (30!) and have commitments to a rambunctious toddler! Justin, naturally as Head coach has more commitments (and no, he didn't take a day off). Also because of the crazy ND weather I didn't get my sisters pampering me for a week. The basketball schedule was much less forgiving too as I was picking up Jordy from daycare and hauling 2 kids and huge diaper bag to many more games. Thank Goodness for my amazing Team Coaches Wives Erin & Sara. Even though Erin has her own newborn to wrangle, there's safety in numbers! I also mostly ignored the recommendations not to do stairs for 2 weeks (we have 2 levels, sooo ?!). Really though--- what was I thinking putting Jordy bed the first night we were home from the hospital?! This experience was way more incision site pain and back pain. And although I took the pain meds round the clock for the first week, I paid for that later out the other end.... I mean, as my friend Amanda puts it, pushing out ass boulders is probably more painful than actually giving birth was! All said and done we had a healthy delivery and healthy little nugget to take home.
2nd Year Head Coach: Well since the birth of our 2nd child the Jimmies went 12-1!!!! We had a crazy amazing conference season where we won the Regular Season Conference Title AND the whole conference tournament. And if you haven't heard the news.... Coach Wieck was honored as the Coach of the Year!!!! There are so many highs and lows when your life [and livelihood] revolves around wins and losses and recruiting and never seeing your spouse... but I have always said the 'highs" are so very very very High! We can live on this one for awhile. All the traveling, recruiting, long nights that screw with the kids schedule, the cheering, distracting the toddler and the fortune spent on happy meals and concessions end up as distant memories when the season ends on such a high note. I won't ever forget the hugs Coach Wieck got from the guys on the team and the joy he had celebrating with Jordy cutting those nets down. Sometimes being a coach's kid you can really get the shaft but sometimes you get some really cool experiences!
Needless to say, we're exhausted and blessed beyond measure. We are looking forward to Anya's inaugural trip to the motherland... Iowa! We joke often that our kids are Dakotans by birth but Iowans by choice! :)
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Going to Daddy's Game! |
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How Daddy does the parenting |
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snuggle buddies |
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how to get 15 minutes of peace : give him a popsicle |
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Our Coach of the Year! |
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Pretty Proud of the bday card I made Mommy! |
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I sooooo got this! |
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Anya's piece of the net :) |
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Cutting nets down with Daddy! |
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In the "yocker room!" |
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Teddy Bear Toast |