Saturday, September 22, 2012

Busy Boy!!!

Well our little guy is showing more personality every day and getting more curious every day.  He is such a joy to watch and grow!!!  Sometimes we just look at each other and say, "I love this baby."  So, are you ready for Jordan overload???  Here's what our baby has been up to....

Munching on the cable box........
 I KNOW this computer opens and I'm going to figure it out!!

 Scooting around at Daddy's open gym.  Clapping and cooing!

 SO little next to these BIG shoes!

 Help yourself Jordy to whatever is in Mom's nightstand!

Here he is having fun at the Jamestown College Library.  He definitely needs his own bean bag chair!!!  Loved it!

And the baby's NEWEST trick... drumroll please.....

 Let's see where Mommy will find Jordy next!

 And for a kid that never watches TV.... he sure is interested in this... GO HAWKS!!!
We just love this little guy to pieces.  We are starting a poll on when he will be walking.  I'm hoping he waits until at least 10 months, but he's all ready standing unsupported.  I know everyone says it, but they DO grow up too fast.

And as promised, I caught a video of our him singing himself to sleep.  To the untrained ear, this may sound like crying, but we know this means in less than 2 minutes we have a sleeper.

Tune in next week for some musings on my Pinterest projects (OH BOY) and our day trip to Aberdeen.  Until then, take a moment to count your blessings.  And leave me a comment... remember I don't work Mondays and Fridays so throw me a bone :)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

8 Months Old!!!

Time to brag about my baby!!!  If you don't like it, well, I guess why are you reading my blog!

Jordy is 8 months old today, September 8.  I am very upset and tore apart our tiny apartment looking for those damn monthly onesie stickers.  Oh well, guess we won't have an 8 month picture to compare with the rest.  Probably won't have them for 9 month either if they are packed in a box marked "house" that is currently in storage.  And yeah I'm too frugal (read: cheap) to shell out another $12.99 for all new ones!His friend Oliver just welcomed his TWO little sisters into the world today, so he is pretty excited about that!  Some stats:

Diaper size: 3

Clothes size: 9-12 months

Teeth:  SIX going on seven.  YES!  Both 2 upper and lower have popped through, and two incisors on top we can see in the gums and one in lower.  We continue to blame all crankiness and night wakings on them!  Aunt Merideth keeps requesting pictures, but yeah that's impossible.  Guess she'll have to trek north!

Sleeping:  Eh.  Naps somewhat in the crib (thanks to daycare).  45 minute morning nap, hour afternoon nap and 45 minute evening nap.  Starts out in the crib at night but more or less ends up sleeping like a rock when he comes in bed with us. I know, I know....  We've tried crying it out, but that's quite the challenge with Mr. Persistent and when you live in an apartment, don't feel right. When teething, will usually eat once at night. 
Other amazing feats: Pulls up to standing, "walks" around with furniture support.  
  • Uses signs for "milk" and "eat".  
  • Drinks from a sippy cup and eats Gerber puffs.  He is so ready to feed himself but I am just a little on the psycho side and am paranoid about choking.  Maybe at 9 months :) 
  • Constantly babbles.  Mostly dadadada.
  • Waves bye bye
  • Plays pattycake
  • "sings" himself to sleep.  Gotta get a video of this!

Here's some videos of cutie pie. :)

Also, lately, much to Justin's dismay, Jordy is starting to prefer Mom.  I think it is just a developmental stage because when he was learning all about playing he was all about Dad.  Now that is teething, when it hurts, he just wants Mom.  I also think bc Justin was gone more working up in Jamestown this past month plus now I'm home with Jordan 3 days a week!  Although Dad for SURE still has the nighttime take-down, and they like to snuggle for naps on the weekend :)

We are trying to find some time when we can get home to Iowa City sometime before Christmas.  Usually we aren't very "homesick", but we hate missing Iowa football and not having any friends in Jamestown has made us want to make the trip!

AND we have to send a BIG Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa for coming up this last weekend to help us move.  Grandma entertained Jordy while Grandpa Jeff packed the UHaul.... thanks to him EVERYTHING fit.  Grandma Karna also taught us Jordan's new favorite song.  This little wiggler won't stay still for ANYTHING (think: diaper change!) unless we sing him his "Grandma" song!!!  Jordy can't wait to play with you when we move into our NEW house!!!!

When I thought today about how our friend Angie's little boy Oliver smiled for the first time on his 3 month birthday, and how our friend Renee delivered healthy twin baby girls, it occurred to me how lucky any parents are to witness miracles every day.  There is always something to be thankful for.

don't become so busy that you miss your blessings today.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Move

Well, we did it.  I am SO proud of Justin advancing his career... but I did a lot of dragging my feet before this move, up and until the point I wasn't entirely packed on Moving Day!

Last Friday, our amazing friends/Northern family (even Roncalli family, too) Paul, Kelsie, Sam & Becca threw us a going away party.  It was so much fun getting all together but I think I kept dragging my feet there too... I think I kept them up until well past midnight.  And of course, every time someone left I got choked up.  It was hard saying goodbye to my teaching buddies, and Matt, Maria & Memphis.

Of course, I took virtually no pictures of this spectacular evening, however, did get one gem of our little Wolves Buddies.  Memphis Sevareid (15 months)  Sam Sather (9 years) Jordy (7 months) & Miss Becca (5 years) 

And one final shot of the evening... only a few people will recognize this scene...
Can't thank Paul and Kelsie & Matt and Maria for their welcome to Aberdeen, throwing us a baby shower, helping out with Jordy at a moments notice, and being some of our favorite people to work with, too.  As we left the Sathers that night, Justin commented that he will miss Sam & Becca because they are such great kids!  Great kids come from great parents I guess!  We also said goodbye to the Sevys... Justin's office buddy for 2 years and thank God Maria had Memphis in time to hand down some maternity clothes:)
Of course I would be remiss to say that another person that became part of our family is our daycare provider, Linda.  She loved Jordy and we call her his Aberdeen grandma.  One night when we picked him up her husband, Dale, commented how much he enjoyed seeing Jordan and that "his eyes are always smiling."  I think that is a perfect description of our little boy.  Even though I miss him when I'm at work, I always knew he was in loving hands.  Here is our little guy with one of his favorite people!!!
We will miss Aberdeen and the wonderful people we met there.  I keep telling myself "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!"

In other baby news, someone is pulling himself up to standing and 'walking' around with hands supported.  Uh oh!!!!!!!!!

Here he is in our new apartment in Jamestown, not a huge fan of our new baby gates:

And a video of him waiting for bath.  He LOVES baths!!! 

Until next time ... Don't get too busy that you miss your blessings of today!!!