Saturday, September 22, 2012

Busy Boy!!!

Well our little guy is showing more personality every day and getting more curious every day.  He is such a joy to watch and grow!!!  Sometimes we just look at each other and say, "I love this baby."  So, are you ready for Jordan overload???  Here's what our baby has been up to....

Munching on the cable box........
 I KNOW this computer opens and I'm going to figure it out!!

 Scooting around at Daddy's open gym.  Clapping and cooing!

 SO little next to these BIG shoes!

 Help yourself Jordy to whatever is in Mom's nightstand!

Here he is having fun at the Jamestown College Library.  He definitely needs his own bean bag chair!!!  Loved it!

And the baby's NEWEST trick... drumroll please.....

 Let's see where Mommy will find Jordy next!

 And for a kid that never watches TV.... he sure is interested in this... GO HAWKS!!!
We just love this little guy to pieces.  We are starting a poll on when he will be walking.  I'm hoping he waits until at least 10 months, but he's all ready standing unsupported.  I know everyone says it, but they DO grow up too fast.

And as promised, I caught a video of our him singing himself to sleep.  To the untrained ear, this may sound like crying, but we know this means in less than 2 minutes we have a sleeper.

Tune in next week for some musings on my Pinterest projects (OH BOY) and our day trip to Aberdeen.  Until then, take a moment to count your blessings.  And leave me a comment... remember I don't work Mondays and Fridays so throw me a bone :)

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie! It looks like he is into everything! I'm not looking forward to that stage! Can't wait to Skype with you guys again!
