We have a new doctor for Jordy so it was his first time meeting him and he said that he walks/runs great and seems to have great motor skills. That made Coach Wieck very happy. Daddy also got to experience the "lay down ON TOP of your child" during the shots this time. Justin actually felt horrible because Jordy thought they were playing and was laughing up a storm. So I'm sure those suckers hurt with his legs all tensed up. He rebounded quickly!
He is 90th percentile for both height and weight. He is officially MORE than half my height! The only things he can't reach in the kitchen are the upper cabinets!
Here is our little cutie watching one of his Baby Einsteins!
He still doesn't really watch anything else on TV (besides the occasional Wheel of Fortune... yelling out D! D! D!) but he has been 'noticing' it more so we are keeping it off. The other day a commercial came on where someone slapped someone else in the face and he about had a cow ("Mommy!! No No No!!!"). If you really just looked for it, it is shocking and annoying how much violence there really is on TV, even commercials! Although he did stop everything when he heard Daddy on the news last night and was pretty excited to see his picture! Here's that link in case you missed it!
Our boy is growing so fast, here's his little update:
Diaper size: 6
Clothes size: 2T
Sleeping: Went through a tough phase but now seems mostly back to normal. Naps are actually going great. Takes him a little longer to wind down at night (it does not get dark here until about 10:15) and he has been walking about 5:30 am (ugh!). But overall a great sleeper:) And still in the crib, thank God he hasn't figured out to get out of there.
Other accomplishments: We've counted at least 60 words this little bugger says on a pretty regular basis. He is putting 2 words together! Some favorites are "no, me and mine!" His newest words are "pool" and "wet" and "Look!" He also mimics everything, so watch out. He can name just about everyone in our family. He is VERY interested in what belongs to someone else "mommy shoes" "grandpa truck". Pretty excited and does a happy feet dance when you get him something he wants (legos out, drink of milk, whatever!)
And I'm not sure if we'd call this an accomplishment, but he is pretty good at throwing a little tantrum! He kind of yelps like a scared puppy and throws his hands on the floor. So dramatic. And annoying.
We did get the green light to start potty training, since he does tell us "poop" and "potty" and appears to know where it goes (other than a diaper) but we're not in a big rush. If he tells me he has to go I put him up there but that's about as exciting as it's been. Justin informed me that it's probably due to the "fresh air" of why he "goes" on the potty, not because he's figured it out.
Other than that we are just enjoying the pool on our deck, taking walks, and having some family time every once in awhile. The NAIA schedule is quite different than Division 1 or 2 in the summer and for that Jordy and I are thankful! We know as far as a coach's family we have it made right now, so just loving the rest of summer before we ALL start a *new* school year.
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