Thursday, August 16, 2012

"What about your job???"

In the crazy past 2 weeks, I've had to address this question a lot:  What about your job?!

That is a great question.  I love my job!!!  The people I work with are outstanding, I like being a principal just as much (if not more...) than being a teacher, and I really will miss the kids so much!  I get a million hugs a day from 3 and 4 year olds (and so did Jordan when he was on the inside) and man do they say funny things.  I could have devoted a blog to that!

I will also say that working for a Catholic school really helped our family grow in our faith.  We both learned a lot and definitely had an impact on our relationship with each other, with Jordan, and with God.  So for that, we are thankful as well.

Yes, it is hard to leave.  It is an amazing opportunity for my professional career to be principal.  Plus I had incredible mentors and superb teachers to work with.  The parents are generous and the students are awesome!

As a family, we made the decision long ago, before we were married, that we wanted to follow Justin's career.  We discussed and decided that we accept 100% the crazy changes that come along with pursuing college coaching.  I know that I served a purpose at Roncalli but family comes first.  What a good problem to have that we are leaving a place and a school that we both love so much!
Here is a picture of me with the kids at the end of year assembly.  These kids had perfect attendance!
Aren't they cute????

And I have accepted a position in Jamestown at St. John's Academy/St. James parish as the Elementary and Sacremental Coordinator.  I will work 2 days a week and Wednesday evenings with CCD and the other days I get to do my most important job-- being Jordan's mommy!  oh... and traveling to basketball games of course! I am excited for my new adventure in a new town with a new job!!!

Oh... and here's a picture of the baby :)
Don't be too busy that you miss the blessings of today.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Where do I start???

Well Megan Mohr, you're right!  I am going to have to blog more than once a month.  Too many things to share.  The last time I blogged, Jordan and I had just arrived in Iowa (Justin dropped us off and went to recruit in Milwaukee).  We spent some great times with Natalie, Jason, Cadence & Owen and then Megan, Scott and baby Briggs before heading to Cedar Falls.  We were in Cedar Falls for the wedding of one of my dearest friends little miss Karlie to  the amazing man she met in New York~ husband Paul.  It was a gorgeous wedding complete with a Venetian desert hour.  

Then it was on to Iowa City for Abby's wedding to Brent the next weekend.  Another beautiful wedding that went off without a hitch!  We danced the night away while Natty & Greg took great care of Jordy.  He, of course, was a bit of bear at nighttime-- glad we could give this young couple a true picture of parenting!  One of my dear friends Renee took amazing 6 month portraits of Jordy and she also did an amazing job photographing Abby & Brent's wedding -- all while 30 weeks pregnant with twins :) If you need a great photographer, check out DoubleTake Photography.

We then returned home to Aberdeen and Jordy was GREAT in the car.  After a rough 2 weeks of waking multiple times a night, he slept through the night that Sunday night.  I guess he was tired, too!  Then Justin left again to head to Kansas City to recruit.  Luckily my cousin Christopher and his family let him crash at their place, so he enjoyed visiting family and playing with their two little ones, Hayden and Harper.  Meanwhile I was holding down the fort and trying to keep Jordan from crawling the first time while Daddy was away.

Justin's long drive from Kansas City to Aberdeen (10+ hours) was made even longer when he received heartbreaking news that his friend and colleague Coach Brad Bigler & his family were involved in a car accident the night before.  Brad is the head coach at Southwest Minnesota State which is in NSU's conference.  Brad was in ICU and the family lost their 5 month old son in the accident.  Justin and Coach Bigler had quite the connection as Jordy and Drake were both born on home game nights just a month apart.  My heart hurts for them and pray that their memories comfort them.

Meanwhile.... another head coach at a different school had resigned and taken a different position.  I'll try to fill you all in on the crazy timeline! 

Wednesday, July 25:  Coach at Jamestown resigns
Friday, July 27: Athletic Director at Jamestown calls Justin and asks him to interview on Monday (he talks it over with Coach Sather, an incredible mentor for Justin, who encourages him to give it a shot)
Monday, July 30:  Justin interviews at Jamestown College
Wednesday, Aug 1: Justin was offered the job!!!!!
Friday, Aug 3: Justin's first day of work at Jamestown College
Monday, Aug 6: Justin's press conference and introduction

We do apologize for anyone that had to find out via facebook or twitter, but everything happened SO fast, we were waiting out of respect to the other candidates who had not heard back yet, and we knew it was going to press so I decided to post it before having the opportunity to call very many people.  I did sneakily catch Justin's press conference on my phone.  I am a proud wife!!!!

In addition to visiting his cousins and his buddy Briggs, Jordy got to finally meet his future teammates Jace Haluska and Greyer Brunner.  Jace is 3 months older and Greyer 2 weeks older!

In other breaking news, our 7 month old is now a crawler!  He did wait for Daddy to get home!!! 

We love this little nugget so much and he brings us joy every day.  

Until next time (which will be sooner!), 
Don't become so busy that you miss the blessings of today.