Saturday, December 8, 2012

Jordan Jeffrey is 11 Months Old!

Aye da guy da guy da guy! 
This is what we are woken up to most every morning!  We're not sure yet what it means, but that's exactly what it sounds like.  All is well in the Wieck house with a baby sleeping ALL night in his crib!  Although I believe the experts should re-name Cry It Out to Scream It Out like a Crazed Banshee, whatever you want to call it, it works!!!!!!!!!!

In the last month, the Jamestown College Jimmies are now 6-6, and the last 3 games we've lost to Top Ten Ranked opponents by a COMBINED 5 points.  Sheesh, so close!  Even Jordy and I were sweating in the stands!  The team is honestly improving with EVERY game, and the Coach is getting better too!  Jordy continues to be really awesome at the game.  The assistant coach's wife and I have gotten really close the last 3 months and she and her husband love Jordy as much as we do and it really helps having someone else to help entertain during the games.  For the most part he really does just sit and watch!  We LOVED having Grandma Karna, Aunt Abby and Aunt Mer come up to visit and see a home game!  All are welcome, it is really fun watching Justin coach!
And now it's time for what you've all been waiting for~ Jordy time!!!  This little guy is growing FAST and getting into everything!!!  Although we were happy he was walking a little before 10 months, I do think it is better for babies to wait.  They just don't have the depth perception yet to be walking around banging their head into stuff. I feel TERRIBLE whenever he falls down or bonks his head on stuff :(   So don't mind the bumps and bruises, but we hope you enjoy him as much as we do!

Diaper size:  4

Clothes Size: 

 18 months.  *sigh* Time to pack away all the cute 12 month stuff!


YES!  7:30-7:30 in his crib.  45 minute morning nap and 2 hour afternoon nap (although I'm told he doesn't do a morning nap at daycare).  For the most part at night he goes down with minimal fuss.  Still cries it out about 5 minutes for naps.  When we travel and then come home we do have an adjustment period but it 3 days we're back to normal!


Pureed fruit + cereal for breakfast, finger foods for lunch and dinner and lots of snacks!  About 26 oz of various sized bottles throughout the day.  Drinks water from a big boy sippy cup.  I think the transition to sippy only will be smooth, but I will be sad to see the bottles go!  At Thanksgiving he started his new trick of spitting out baby food at us!  He likes to feed himself!


LOVES dancing and playing with blocks!  LOVES balls, especially basketballs (wonder!).  He likes to take things out and put them away.  Especially in all the drawers in the kitchen!!!  He also is recently into climbing.  He tries to get onto the furniture and crawls inside drawers.  He still LOVES books!

TEETH:  8 and one popping through.  


-Lots of talking!!!  Mama, Dada, bye bye, Ball (baa), Grampa (bampa), Hi
-Brushes his teeth
-Lots of mimicking!  Both sounds and actions, he tries whatever we're doing.  Pretty freakin cute.
-Walking and running
-Waves bye bye
-Blows kisses
-Throws a ball (I'm serious, he does!)
-"helps" put away his toys

All in all, he's wonderful and healthy.  Jordy and I went back to Iowa for Thanksgiving.  He did great with all the travel and sleeping in 2 new places.  We missed Daddy!  I also had my 10 year high school reunion.  It was fun to catch up with some friends and meet my friend Angie's 6 month old son.  It definitely gave me a great perspective about reflecting on how far I've come in 10 years and all that I have!!! I wish Justin could have been there, I'm all ready looking forward to the next reunion! 

I think this whole holiday season, we all have the chance to take a breath from our busy lives, pause and rejoice in all of our blessings!  As I look back on November alone, in all 30 days I saw Justin only 14 of them!  Sometimes we are two ships passing in the night:)  We just have to remember to make the days count and thank God for his wonderful gifts to us!  Wishing you all peace and happiness!!!!

 Put up the Christmas tree before Daddy's game!

 Visiting the Baumgarts the night before Thanksgiving.  Besties Lindsay and Laura and Best buddies Bryce & Jordy!

 Getting into the pantry at Grandma and Grandpa's with Jalen & Jackson!  The babies loved it and Jalen encouraged it :)

 Getting some Grandma Henning love on his first Thanksgiving!

 Baby's first Thanksgiving.  Love this little dude.

 cousin Cadence feeding her baby cousin his bottle!  She is an awesome helper.

 Meeting his friend Oliver for the first time and their mommies 10 year reunion!  Angie and I have been friends since 7th grade
 Our big healthy growing boy!!!

Hoopin it up after one of Daddy's games!

Friday, November 9, 2012

10 Months Old!

Whew, finally, a new blog.  Staying true to my 'at least once a month' goal!!!

Our little nugget turned 10 months old yesterday.  He seems so new, and yet it feels like he's been in our family forever.  What you've missed from Team Wieck.....

Justin's team the Jamestown Jimmies had their first two games.  They won BOTH!!!  We are accustomed to home openers being exhibition that are a little less of a test, but we played a TOUGH team from Canada.  Grandma Karna and Grandpa Jeff came up for the weekend to watch the Sathers came up for Fridays game.  It was so nice having family there!!!  I was worried about Jordy would do at the games because he's so mobile and curious but he actually sat and watched!  He was GREAT!

A few pics from the Head Coach's first WINS!!!!!!

 Looking a little anxious pre-game
 Jordy snuggling with Grandpa before the games.  He was SO awesome

 After the game playing with buddy Sam
After the game with Sathers

 Justin's mom and dad.  Very proud after the win!

Then the Jimmies hit the road and played the #4 and #7 ranked teams.  For a YOUNG team we played REALLY well and kept it close in the first half, but lost both.  So now we are 2-2 with a home game tonight and away game tomorrow!  Hopefully on Sunday we'll be 4-2!!!!!!!

Then, we MOVED into our house!!!!  Why do I NOT have pictures yet?!  Here are two of a little helper: 

 We have a HUGE deck that we love and Jordy was going crazy at the door and looked out and saw a HUGE wild turkey perched up there!  Have no idea how he got up there but we had fun watching him for awhile!

And of course came Halloween!  Jordy HATES hats or anything on his head so it was a challenge finding a cute baby costume that didn't include anything on his head.  I found this online and it was soooooooo cute and his cousin Owen had the same costume!!!  Here is Superman!

 And here is Superman playing with the team at our house during Daddy's team meeting

Finally getting a little braver with Jordy trying more finger foods.  So far he has LOVED everything.  Here is the little guy trying blueberries for the first time:
Other than that, we are adjusting to our new schedules and lives in Jamestown.  Justin typically works 8 am - 7 pm every weekday, then he comes home and puts the baby to bed (on nights when he isn't monitoring team study hall) and when Jordy and I go to bed he calls recruits and/or watches film (of other teams or our own games).  Weekends are filled up, too, with either games, going recruiting, hosting recruits, practices and staff meetings.  We were fairly warned but you still have no idea the time commitment of being a head coach until you are actually living it. He is also teaching a class at the college 3 days a week.  We will miss him at Thanksgiving (and our high school reunion!) this year as the Jimmies are playing in Montana, but we will celebrate when he gets home with our basketball family.  I feel so lucky and blessed to have such a hard working husband who loves his job so much.  But needless to say, the unpacking is SLOW going :)

So here is an update on Jordy, since he is growing SO fast!!!

Diaper Size: 4.  OH MY GOSH!

Clothes Size: 12 months or 18 months.  Seriously.

SleepingGood Lord I am a NEW Woman!!!  We decided the move into the new house was the time to start sleep training. It was perfect timing since he is somewhat old enough to understand that we don't leave him FOREVER and he is currently NOT cutting teeth.  I knew that we weren't doing him any favors letting him use us as a crutch to fall asleep (it was a long 9 months of rocking and shushing!)I really want him to have the skills to fall asleep by himself when he can.  So night #1 we put him down in his crib, drowsy yet awake, and that little stinker SCREAMED and CRIED for 55 minutes.  Luckily we have a white noise machine and our rooms are further apart than we've ever had.  Justin slept like a rock right through it!!!  Night #2, he cried for 30 minutes.  Night #3, he cried for 10 minutes.  Now it is 10 minutes or sometimes even less or just a little whimper and he is sleeping 11 hours!  We do the same routine for naps.  We are ALL 3 SLEEPING BETTER!

Eating:  He is still drinking formula and eating purees (I love that he has fruits and veggies every day), but more and more eating finger foods.  He's had noodles, waffles, blueberries, green beans, cheese, meat, scrambled eggs.  This kid will eat anything.  He still loves puffs and yogurt bites for snacks.

-A WALKING BABY!!! Jordy started walking around 9ish months, but still preferred to crawl.  Now he walks EVERYWHERE!
-Says "mama" and "dada" to the right person!  Says "hi" and "mmm" for milk!!!  The dr. said we are going to have an early talker.
-Responds and walks over when you say "Come here Jordy"
-Makes kissing noise when you blow kisses at him
-Waves bye-bye (sometimes)
-Shakes his head "no" when you tell him "no".  He OBVIOUSLY doesn't quite understand the meaning of this word yet though!

Well, until next time!
 It's fun being 10 months old~
 Getting into everything :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

9 Months Old!

On Monday our adorable little nugget turned 9 months old.  He's accomplished quite a bit in 9 months, all ready been on a plane and lived in 2 states!  We also went to our first doctor's appointment in Jamestown.  With very little time to do my research, literally just picked the only pediatrician in this town!  Come to find out, since she is the only pediatrician, she typically works with the high risk or special needs cases, so the nurse practitioner does the well baby visits.  I was totally okay with this since let's be honest the nurses do 90% of the work anyway, but I did want to meet the doctor.  I think Justin was embarassed how many times and how many people I had to ask to actually meet the doctor, but in case we ever did need her for something I wanted to meet her, get the vibe, and have her see how freakin adorable her new patient is.  So we met her and she was great, and she explained again she wouldn't be seeing Jordy unless absolutely necessary (see doctor=bad news).  We also really liked the CNP so that was good.  Unfortunately for Jordy, you don't get any shots at 9 months, except that it's flu season, so he did!  He gets his follow up shot on Nov 9, and Justin and I get ours, too.

Jordy's stats:

Weight: 20 Pounds (65th percentile)
Height: 30 Inches (97th percentile)  (for Reference, I am 62 inches.......)

Diapers: We are going to make the jump to size 4.  I know the package says up to 28 pounds for size 3 but I don't like it when I see the marks on the legs.  so Up we go.  Also, definitely a Pampers guy.  We knew he had allergic reactions to Target brand diapers but we tried Luvs and same thing happened with the rash on the tummy.  *Sigh*

Sleeping: Well, we tried crying it out.  The kid screamed for 35 minutes.  We do let him cry it out to fall asleep but if he wakes up in the night we go get him.  We need our sleep and we are still in the apartment!  When we get our house we're going cold turkey crib!  9 month roller coaster is about to cruise to a halt!

Eating: Still loving all fruits and veggies and getting used to more textures.  Eats Puffs and shredded cheese for finger foods.  The CNP was actually in agreement with me on being a psycho about choking!  She said it was okay to go as slow as we're comfortable with.  The kid puts everything in his mouth.  I have found, among other things, him chewing on one of my earrings!

Accomplishments:  -Stands on his own and has taken 2 steps.  Yikes!
-Flushes the toilet (stinker!)
-Points to picture of Daddy  (still working on mom!)
-Turns pages of his books.  Learned this little trick from my friend Tina, say "Turn the page" every time you read little one books and then they start to actually do it themselves.  Gotta get a video of this, it is really amazing!

Other than that, he's pretty much an amazing little boy.  He totally lights up when either one of us gets home and belly laughs at just about everything.  He loves to crawl around in the kitchen and bang everything together!

This week is a BIG week for the Wieck family.  Justin is making his head coaching debut this week!  The Jimmies play at home vs. Brandon University out of Canada (pause for effect)  Yes Canada.  They play both Friday and Saturday night.  Justin is cool as a cucumber and I of course am sweating just thinking about it!  We are so excited that Jeff & Karna will be here to cheer him on and of course some help with Mr. Won't Sit Still during the games.  I hope that you follow our season.  It is crazy to think that Justin really is living his dream of being a head college basketball coach.  I still haven't wrapped my mind around it.  I can't wait to see him in action!!!!  And of course I am beginning my formal duties as head coach's wife and hosting a little get together for the parents of the players after Saturday's game.  I feel bad we haven't had the team over yet but it's first order of business once we have a house!  Until then, enjoy your blessings and here's some shots of my blessings:
Sleeping baby!
So tired

Watching Daddy coach at practice.  Team is looking good!
Here is our first attempt at getting a 9 month pic...........

 Thank Goodness the iPhone has that feature where you can flip the camera and look at yourself.  Someone is a little vain.... but it works to get a picture :)
 Night night Jordy!  Stay in your crib all night, will ya???

Monday, October 1, 2012

Double Ear Infections!

What a week!  Justin had to travel to Minneapolis to recruit last Wednesday, which as you know is my "busy" day at work (I work 8 am to 9 pm).  So, I had all ready planned to pick up Jordy at daycare around 5, run home grab the diaper bag and be back by 5:30 for a Sacrament tutoring session and then have him join the volunteer babysitting that night (she watches a 4 month old and 4 year old children of 2 of our catechists).  Which was all ready a big step for me since I didn't know this lady really well and I have NEVER left Jordy with someone I didn't know well.  (Although, if you think about, the daycare providers during the day are virtual strangers before you start.... Anyway...)

And yet, I get a call at 3:45 that he had woken up from a looooooooong nap (And I should back up and mention the kid slept ALL night in his crib and had to be woken up to even go to daycare, should've been a red flag!)  and that he had a fever of 102*.  My first instinct, of course, was to PANIC!!!  But I calmly told her to please give him 1.25mL of baby tylenol and I would call the doctor.  Well all the nurse said is "We can't just see every kid that has a fever."  I had a few interesting retorts since I have NEVER gotten that kind of response from our Pediatrics in Aberdeen (and I am on a first name basis with the receptionist & nurses, and if you remember, we lived next door to the Doctor).  So I calmly made an appointment for the following day in case he still had a fever and went to pick him up.  We decided between the two of us that his behavior was just unusual as he slept almost all day (what!) didn't finish all his food (unheard of!) was not interested in playing (who's baby?!) and was just a little too cuddly with me (of course I like cuddles but he's usually too busy!).  So I decided to take him to the walk-in clinic that was open until 5.

Upon entering a room of near death looking individuals coughing and hacking, we finally saw the doctor and thank goodness I listened to my instincts because Jordy had DOUBLE ear infections.  BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!  So they called in a prescription for Amoxicillian and away we went to the local grocery store to pick it up.  At this point it's after 5 and I'm sweating because he STILL has a fever and haven't been home yet to get his neccesities to get back at work.... Waiting.... Waiting... Waiting.... NO PRESCRIPTION.  So since they're open until 9, we decide to leave.  And then I called back about 8:00 pm to check on Jordy's prescription.... STILL did not come in.  What the heck Dr!  So I did what any normal mother would do, I called the ER and asked for the doctor on call.  Explained the situation and the mystery of the missing prescription and sure enough he called it right in.  PHEW!  So, here is double ear infection boy.....

Still LOVES Walks!

 Playing hooky from Daycare with Mommy

 Snuggling with Kelsie in Aberdeen

 Playing with his friend Memphis in Aberdeen

Snoozing at Daddy's office

 Grouching at Mom for not getting breakfast fast enough!
 Giving Puppy kisses.  Still one of his favorite toys!  Thanks Great Grandma Rosalie!

Next up.... Jordy's 9 month check ups and how my "pinterest projects" have been going!  Cheers!!!

don't become so busy that you miss the blessings of today

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Busy Boy!!!

Well our little guy is showing more personality every day and getting more curious every day.  He is such a joy to watch and grow!!!  Sometimes we just look at each other and say, "I love this baby."  So, are you ready for Jordan overload???  Here's what our baby has been up to....

Munching on the cable box........
 I KNOW this computer opens and I'm going to figure it out!!

 Scooting around at Daddy's open gym.  Clapping and cooing!

 SO little next to these BIG shoes!

 Help yourself Jordy to whatever is in Mom's nightstand!

Here he is having fun at the Jamestown College Library.  He definitely needs his own bean bag chair!!!  Loved it!

And the baby's NEWEST trick... drumroll please.....

 Let's see where Mommy will find Jordy next!

 And for a kid that never watches TV.... he sure is interested in this... GO HAWKS!!!
We just love this little guy to pieces.  We are starting a poll on when he will be walking.  I'm hoping he waits until at least 10 months, but he's all ready standing unsupported.  I know everyone says it, but they DO grow up too fast.

And as promised, I caught a video of our him singing himself to sleep.  To the untrained ear, this may sound like crying, but we know this means in less than 2 minutes we have a sleeper.

Tune in next week for some musings on my Pinterest projects (OH BOY) and our day trip to Aberdeen.  Until then, take a moment to count your blessings.  And leave me a comment... remember I don't work Mondays and Fridays so throw me a bone :)