Thursday, October 11, 2012

9 Months Old!

On Monday our adorable little nugget turned 9 months old.  He's accomplished quite a bit in 9 months, all ready been on a plane and lived in 2 states!  We also went to our first doctor's appointment in Jamestown.  With very little time to do my research, literally just picked the only pediatrician in this town!  Come to find out, since she is the only pediatrician, she typically works with the high risk or special needs cases, so the nurse practitioner does the well baby visits.  I was totally okay with this since let's be honest the nurses do 90% of the work anyway, but I did want to meet the doctor.  I think Justin was embarassed how many times and how many people I had to ask to actually meet the doctor, but in case we ever did need her for something I wanted to meet her, get the vibe, and have her see how freakin adorable her new patient is.  So we met her and she was great, and she explained again she wouldn't be seeing Jordy unless absolutely necessary (see doctor=bad news).  We also really liked the CNP so that was good.  Unfortunately for Jordy, you don't get any shots at 9 months, except that it's flu season, so he did!  He gets his follow up shot on Nov 9, and Justin and I get ours, too.

Jordy's stats:

Weight: 20 Pounds (65th percentile)
Height: 30 Inches (97th percentile)  (for Reference, I am 62 inches.......)

Diapers: We are going to make the jump to size 4.  I know the package says up to 28 pounds for size 3 but I don't like it when I see the marks on the legs.  so Up we go.  Also, definitely a Pampers guy.  We knew he had allergic reactions to Target brand diapers but we tried Luvs and same thing happened with the rash on the tummy.  *Sigh*

Sleeping: Well, we tried crying it out.  The kid screamed for 35 minutes.  We do let him cry it out to fall asleep but if he wakes up in the night we go get him.  We need our sleep and we are still in the apartment!  When we get our house we're going cold turkey crib!  9 month roller coaster is about to cruise to a halt!

Eating: Still loving all fruits and veggies and getting used to more textures.  Eats Puffs and shredded cheese for finger foods.  The CNP was actually in agreement with me on being a psycho about choking!  She said it was okay to go as slow as we're comfortable with.  The kid puts everything in his mouth.  I have found, among other things, him chewing on one of my earrings!

Accomplishments:  -Stands on his own and has taken 2 steps.  Yikes!
-Flushes the toilet (stinker!)
-Points to picture of Daddy  (still working on mom!)
-Turns pages of his books.  Learned this little trick from my friend Tina, say "Turn the page" every time you read little one books and then they start to actually do it themselves.  Gotta get a video of this, it is really amazing!

Other than that, he's pretty much an amazing little boy.  He totally lights up when either one of us gets home and belly laughs at just about everything.  He loves to crawl around in the kitchen and bang everything together!

This week is a BIG week for the Wieck family.  Justin is making his head coaching debut this week!  The Jimmies play at home vs. Brandon University out of Canada (pause for effect)  Yes Canada.  They play both Friday and Saturday night.  Justin is cool as a cucumber and I of course am sweating just thinking about it!  We are so excited that Jeff & Karna will be here to cheer him on and of course some help with Mr. Won't Sit Still during the games.  I hope that you follow our season.  It is crazy to think that Justin really is living his dream of being a head college basketball coach.  I still haven't wrapped my mind around it.  I can't wait to see him in action!!!!  And of course I am beginning my formal duties as head coach's wife and hosting a little get together for the parents of the players after Saturday's game.  I feel bad we haven't had the team over yet but it's first order of business once we have a house!  Until then, enjoy your blessings and here's some shots of my blessings:
Sleeping baby!
So tired

Watching Daddy coach at practice.  Team is looking good!
Here is our first attempt at getting a 9 month pic...........

 Thank Goodness the iPhone has that feature where you can flip the camera and look at yourself.  Someone is a little vain.... but it works to get a picture :)
 Night night Jordy!  Stay in your crib all night, will ya???


  1. So stinking cute! I love him snuggling. Good luck to Justy on his first game!! I'm sure he'll do great.

  2. Soooo cute! Love the update. Jordy is getting so big, smart and looks like he is a happy & silly baby! Miss you three! XO
